Professional licenses
License for hydro-technical designs of interregional and regional water supply and sewage systems.
License for hydro-technical designs of interregional and regional water supply and sewage systems.
License for mechanical installation designs of water supply and industrial water facilities, hydro-engineering, and hydro-energy for interregional and regional water supply and sewage systems.
License for mechanical installation designs of water supply and industrial water facilities, hydro-engineering, and hydro-energy for interregional and regional water supply and sewage systems.
License for hydro-technical designs of drinking water treatment facilities with a capacity exceeding 200 L/s.
License for hydro-technical designs of drinking water treatment facilities with a capacity exceeding 200 L/s.
Permit for the mechanical installation of water supply facilities and industrial water structures, hydro-engineering, and hydro-energy for drinking water treatment plants with a capacity over 200 L/s.
Permit for the mechanical installation of water supply facilities and industrial water structures, hydro-engineering, and hydro-energy for drinking water treatment plants with a capacity over 200 L/s.
License for technological process designing for drinking water treatment facilities with a capacity over 200 L/s.
License for technological process designing for drinking water treatment facilities with a capacity over 200 L/s.
License for hydro-technical designs of wastewater treatment facilities with a capacity over 200 L/s.
License for hydro-technical designs of wastewater treatment facilities with a capacity over 200 L/s.
Permit for the mechanical installation of water supply and industrial water facilities, hydro-engineering, and hydro-energy for wastewater treatment plants with a capacity over 200 L/s.
Permit for the mechanical installation of water supply and industrial water facilities, hydro-engineering, and hydro-energy for wastewater treatment plants with a capacity over 200 L/s.
License for technological process designs for wastewater treatment facilities with a capacity of over 200 L/s.
License for technological process designs for wastewater treatment facilities with a capacity of over 200 L/s.
License for hydro-technical designs for flood protection works in urban and rural areas larger than 300 hectares.
License for hydro-technical designs for flood protection works in urban and rural areas larger than 300 hectares.
Permit for executing architectural designs for structures within the boundaries of immovable cultural properties of exceptional significance, cultural heritage sites listed on the World Heritage List, and structures in protected zones of cultural properties of great importance, within designated cadastral parcel boundaries in the protected surroundings of cultural heritage sites inscribed on the World Heritage List.
Permit for executing architectural designs for structures within the boundaries of immovable cultural properties of exceptional significance, cultural heritage sites listed on the World Heritage List, and structures in protected zones of cultural properties of great importance, within designated cadastral parcel boundaries in the protected surroundings of cultural heritage sites inscribed on the World Heritage List.
License for thermotechnical, thermal energy, process, and gas installation projects for hazardous waste treatment facilities utilizing incineration, thermal, physical, physico-chemical, and chemical processes, as well as for storage facilities and/or landfills for hazardous waste disposal.
License for thermotechnical, thermal energy, process, and gas installation projects for hazardous waste treatment facilities utilizing incineration, thermal, physical, physico-chemical, and chemical processes, as well as for storage facilities and/or landfills for hazardous waste disposal.
License for technological process designs for hazardous waste treatment facilities utilizing incineration, thermal, physical, physico-chemical, and chemical processes, as well as for storage facilities and/or landfills for hazardous waste disposal.
License for technological process designs for hazardous waste treatment facilities utilizing incineration, thermal, physical, physico-chemical, and chemical processes, as well as for storage facilities and/or landfills for hazardous waste disposal.
License for the construction of passenger ports and harbors.
License for the construction of passenger ports and harbors.
License for hydro-technical designs of passenger ports and harbors for first-order waters.
License for hydro-technical designs of passenger ports and harbors for first-order waters.
License for traffic design of state roads of the first and second order, road structures, and traffic connections to these roads and border crossings.
License for traffic design of state roads of the first and second order, road structures, and traffic connections to these roads and border crossings.
Permit for traffic designs of traffic signaling for state roads of the first and second order, road structures, and traffic connections to these roads and border crossings.
Permit for traffic designs of traffic signaling for state roads of the first and second order, road structures, and traffic connections to these roads and border crossings.
Permit for the construction of road structures (bridges) for state roads of the first and second order, road structures, and traffic connections to these roads and border crossings.
Permit for the construction of road structures (bridges) for state roads of the first and second order, road structures, and traffic connections to these roads and border crossings.
Permit for the preparation of structural designs for regional landfills or landfills for non-hazardous waste disposal in areas with a population exceeding 200,000 inhabitants.
Permit for the preparation of structural designs for regional landfills or landfills for non-hazardous waste disposal in areas with a population exceeding 200,000 inhabitants.
License for hydro-technical designs for the process of regional landfills or landfills for non-hazardous waste disposal in areas with a population exceeding 200,000 inhabitants.
License for hydro-technical designs for the process of regional landfills or landfills for non-hazardous waste disposal in areas with a population exceeding 200,000 inhabitants.
License for technological designs for the process of regional landfills or landfills for non-hazardous waste disposal in areas with a population exceeding 200,000 inhabitants.
License for technological designs for the process of regional landfills or landfills for non-hazardous waste disposal in areas with a population exceeding 200,000 inhabitants.
License for structural designs of facilities for energy production from renewable sources with a capacity of 10 MW or more.
License for structural designs of facilities for energy production from renewable sources with a capacity of 10 MW or more.
License for thermotechnical, thermal energy, process, and gas installation designs for facilities generating energy from renewable sources with a capacity of 10 MW or more.
License for thermotechnical, thermal energy, process, and gas installation designs for facilities generating energy from renewable sources with a capacity of 10 MW or more.
License for high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical power installation projects for facilities generating energy from renewable sources with a capacity of 10 MW or more.
License for high-voltage and medium-voltage electrical power installation projects for facilities generating energy from renewable sources with a capacity of 10 MW or more.
License for structural engineering designs for buildings with a structural span exceeding 50 meters.
License for structural engineering designs for buildings with a structural span exceeding 50 meters.
Permit for the construction of buildings exceeding 50 meters in height.
Permit for the construction of buildings exceeding 50 meters in height.
License for architectural designs of healthcare facilities with an accommodation capacity of over 500 beds.
License for architectural designs of healthcare facilities with an accommodation capacity of over 500 beds.
License for architectural projects of research and innovation campuses.
License for architectural projects of research and innovation campuses.
License for Transportation Infrastructure Designs for Passenger Ports and Harbors.
License for Transportation Infrastructure Designs for Passenger Ports and Harbors.
A license for architectural projects involving structures within the boundaries of a national park and within the protected zones of natural sites of exceptional significance, excluding family residential buildings, agricultural and economic structures, and their necessary infrastructure built in rural areas, in accordance with the law.
A license for architectural projects involving structures within the boundaries of a national park and within the protected zones of natural sites of exceptional significance, excluding family residential buildings, agricultural and economic structures, and their necessary infrastructure built in rural areas, in accordance with the law.