
Key Research Areas:
Geomechanics and
Oblikovanje savremenog arhitektonskog izraza javnih građevina kroz unapređenje stručnosti.
Concrete and
Razvoj i unapređenje puteva, železnica, mostova i pratećih sistema za sigurno i održivo funkcionisanje transportnih mreža.
Stone and
stone aggregates
Kroz stručnost i primenu najsavremenijih tehnologija, pružamo kvalitet koji doprinosi razvoju održivih vodnih sistema.
Ekološka održivost kao osnovni prioritet, kroz primenu savremenih tehnologija doprinosimo stvaranju održivih rešenja.
Asphalt and
hydrocarbon binders
Ekološka održivost kao osnovni prioritet, kroz primenu savremenih tehnologija doprinosimo stvaranju održivih rešenja.
Building materials
Ekološka održivost kao osnovni prioritet, kroz primenu savremenih tehnologija doprinosimo stvaranju održivih rešenja.
Scope of accreditation

Our laboratories, accredited according to the SRPS ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard, apply Serbian ( SRPS ), European ( EN ) and international ( ASTM ) standards. By using advanced software tools for data analysis and interpretation, we ensure the highest level of precision and reliability.
AG Institut's laboratories are engaged in the largest infrastructure projects in Serbia, including testing materials for highways, landfills, science and technology parks and green energy facilities. Our expertise has been confirmed through many years of cooperation with leading companies and institutions.

Vision and goals
Our vision is to set standards in the construction industry of Serbia through the implementation of innovations and cooperation with leading scientific and research institutions in the region, Europe, Asia and America, for the use of new, recycled and alternative materials that are poorly used in our country. In addition to traditional areas of construction, we focus on the application of modern materials in new sectors such as green energy facilities, infrastructure facilities for controlled waste disposal, infrastructure facilities for scientific and technological complexes, etc.
Continuous staff training, the application of advanced analytical tools in the construction industry and active participation in inter-laboratory tests with relevant institutions guarantee our clients the highest level of service. Our goal is to contribute to the creation of sustainable and technologically advanced construction solutions, making us a reliable partner on every project.