
Our services include:
Quality control
Oblikovanje savremenog arhitektonskog izraza javnih građevina kroz unapređenje stručnosti.
Monitoring compliance with technical regulations
Razvoj i unapređenje puteva, železnica, mostova i pratećih sistema za sigurno i održivo funkcionisanje transportnih mreža.
Construction Site Problem Identifying and Solving
Kroz stručnost i primenu najsavremenijih tehnologija, pružamo kvalitet koji doprinosi razvoju održivih vodnih sistema.
Regular reporting on the progress and status of the project
Ekološka održivost kao osnovni prioritet, kroz primenu savremenih tehnologija doprinosimo stvaranju održivih rešenja.

Our projects
The AG Institute's expert team is currently engaged in the preparation of designs for the construction of highways, landfills, sewage networks, wastewater treatment facilities and science and technology parks. Our expertise has also been confirmed through work on key building construction projects, such as regional medical centers and scientific institutes.

Vision and goals
Our vision is to provide professional supervision services that ensure the successful implementation of each project, while respecting the highest standards of quality and safety. By consistently focusing on education and enhancing our working method, AG Institut remains a reliable partner.