
Line park Belgrade

Belgrade, Serbia

Name of the design

Line park and underground garage with associated traffic infrastructure, pedestrian areas and hard landscaping in front of SRPC "25. May - Milan Gale Muškatirović" in accordance with the Detailed Regulation Plan for Line Park and in the existing regulation.

Client: City Administration of the City of Belgrade, Secretariat for Investments

Service: Designing: IDR, IDP, PGD and PZI.

Year: 2023 - Ongoing

Subunits: 1.1, 1.2, V3, 1.3, SA-1, SA-2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9

The area includes: 220.118 m2

Location: Belgrade


The Line park in Belgrade represents an innovative and important component of urban development, which integrates green space into the densely built urban zone, making it an ecosystem that connects the natural and urban environment. The space is conceptually divided into nine sub-units that continuously connect and create a unique unit that will be significant for tourists, but also for the local population. The park will serve as an example of good practice, with the use of modern technologies and materials that will promote sustainability, comfort and safety.

Ecological solutions
and space organization

Ecology is essential to this project., with an emphasis on the plants that will improve the microclimate, reduce pollution and create visually pleasing environment. Careful selection of trees and low vegetation, as well as the integration of greenery on building facades and roofs, will help create a healthy living environment and prosperous public space. In total, about 63% of the park area will be green, and there will be long rows of trees, flower beds and natural ground covers. The site for the construction of the park and underground garage covers an area of ​​220,118 m² (22.01 hectares) which is divided into nine sub-units: 1.1, 1.2, V3, 1.3, SA-1, SA-2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8 and 1.9, and connects the area from Pasarela near Beton Hall to Mitropolita Petra Street. The has no physical divisions, nd the differences between sub-units will be clearly indicated with informative signs.

This landscape design gives water a special role in creating interactive and relaxing elements. Water mirrors and fountains will be present throughout the park, and users will be able to enjoy different water structures that stimulate the senses and provide peace and dynamism. The park will also be a space for active recreation, with bicycle and pedestrian paths that will connect the various units. The main paths will include a 3.5-meter-wide bicycle path with curbs, a 3-meter-wide pedestrian path, and a 1.8-meter-wide trim path, facilitating safe movement and reducing conflicts between different types of users.

Inženjerski izazovi i rešenja

Projekat je pozicioniran u Savskom vencu, u blizini Ginekološko-akušerske klinike i drugih značajnih zdravstvenih ustanova kao što su Hitna pomoć i Klinički centar Srbije. Lokacija omogućava direktnu povezanost sa postojećom zdravstvenom infrastrukturom, ali je gradilište bilo izuzetno izazovno zbog velike denivelacije terena od preko 30 metara između Deligradske ulice i auto-puta. Zbog toga su primenjena posebna inženjerska rešenja, kao što su potporni zidovi, geokompoziti i gabioni za stabilizaciju tla.

Konstruktivno rešenje klinike zasniva se na jedinstvenoj armirano-betonskoj strukturi bez dilatacija, sa „transfer“ pločom debljine 80 cm između podrumskih etaža, koja omogućava fleksibilnost u organizaciji prostora. Iznad transfer ploče, noseći stubovi su raspoređeni u rastojanjima od 7 metara, dok su ispod nje korišćeni armirano-betonski zidovi kako bi se maksimalno iskoristio prostor za parkiranje. Zahvaljujući ovom sistemu, u tri podzemne garaže je obezbeđeno 528 parking mesta, od čega je 68 namenjeno osobama sa otežanim kretanjem.

301 postelja

Kapaciteti klinike od čega će 71 biti u okviru dnevne bolnice.

596 parking mesta

Parking kapaciteti, od kojih 68 za osobe sa otežanim kretanjem.

61.923,99 m2.

26,791.94 m² nadzemnog prostora, i 35,132.05 m² podzemnog prostora.

301 postelja

Kapaciteti klinike od čega će 71 biti u okviru dnevne bolnice.

596 parking mesta

Parking kapaciteti, od kojih 68 za osobe sa otežanim kretanjem.


26,791.94 m² nadzemnog prostora, i 35,132.05 m² podzemnog prostora.

Safety, interaction,
cultural potential

The conceptual design of the park should ensure safe movement, avoid monotony and create interesting, dynamic movement directions. Special attention has been paid to safety and accessibility, with public toilets included, decorative lighting and urban furniture that will facilitate orientation in the park.

Finally, the Line Park will be not only a place for recreation and enjoyment but also a cultural and educational space. The inclusion of reconstructed railway carriages as catering or information points, as well as numerous sports fields and playgrounds, will contribute to the park's facilities. This design will be significant for the development of Belgrade, improving the quality of life and creating a green corridor that will connect different parts of the city.

Vizija i uticaj

Nova Univerzitetska dečja klinika „Tiršova 2“ biće mnogo više od moderne bolnice — priuštiće okruženje koje podstiče oporavak i pruža podršku deci i njihovim porodicama tokom lečenja. Prostor je osmišljen tako da bude prijatan i funkcionalan, uz primenu najmodernijih tehnoloških rešenja i inženjerskih inovacija. Ovaj projekat predstavlja značajan korak u unapređenju zdravstvene infrastrukture u Srbiji i biće centralna tačka pedijatrijske nege u regionu.