Residential building in Omladinska Street, Belgrade

Beograd, Srbija


The multi-family residential building is designed in the construction zone defined by the Detailed Regulation Plan (DRP) for the block between Miloja Đaka, Mihaila Avramovića and Omladinska streets. The design includes the construction of a building with a floor area of ​​1st floor + 2nd floor + 1st floor + 2nd floor, designed for multi-family housing that, will meet modern housing standards.

Client: INOBAČKA LTD Bulevar oslobođenja Street 30A, 21000 Novi Sad

Service: Design. IDR, PGD and PZI.

Year: 2023-2024

Number of floors: Ground floor + 2 basement + 1st floor + 2+ basement

The total gross floor area of ​​above-ground and underground floors: about 3670,00 m2

Location: Belgrade


The building has been designed in accordance with the Detailed Plan Regulation (PDR) lines. It adheres to the following requirements: a distance of 5 meters from the regulation line adjacent to Omladinska Street, one-third of the building height from the neighboring buildings on the sides, and one-half of the building height from the plot boundaries at the back. These settings are the result of a morphological analysis of the terrain and are fully compliant with technical standards on energy efficiency, safety and comfort.

Layout of floors and functional organization of space

The building is designed as a multi-storey residential space with a carefully designed layout:

- Basement floor (Po): technical rooms and parking for 11 vehicles.
- Semi-basement 2: additional 8 additional parking spaces and one apartment facing the back of the plot.
- Semi-basement 1: rooms for storing bicycles and holding the tenants' assembly.
- Ground floor: entrance to the building, three apartments, mailboxes and electrical cabinets.
- First and second floors: four apartments on each floor.
- Set back floor: two apartments with roof terraces.

A total of 16 residential units of different size and structures were designed, with modern installations and a functional layout that ensures maximum comfort for the tenants.

Access to the building is possible via Omladinska Street, with two main accesses - pedestrian and vehicular, as well as additional pedestrian access from the lower part of the plot.

Inženjerski izazovi i rešenja

Projekat je pozicioniran u Savskom vencu, u blizini Ginekološko-akušerske klinike i drugih značajnih zdravstvenih ustanova kao što su Hitna pomoć i Klinički centar Srbije. Lokacija omogućava direktnu povezanost sa postojećom zdravstvenom infrastrukturom, ali je gradilište bilo izuzetno izazovno zbog velike denivelacije terena od preko 30 metara između Deligradske ulice i auto-puta. Zbog toga su primenjena posebna inženjerska rešenja, kao što su potporni zidovi, geokompoziti i gabioni za stabilizaciju tla.

Konstruktivno rešenje klinike zasniva se na jedinstvenoj armirano-betonskoj strukturi bez dilatacija, sa „transfer“ pločom debljine 80 cm između podrumskih etaža, koja omogućava fleksibilnost u organizaciji prostora. Iznad transfer ploče, noseći stubovi su raspoređeni u rastojanjima od 7 metara, dok su ispod nje korišćeni armirano-betonski zidovi kako bi se maksimalno iskoristio prostor za parkiranje. Zahvaljujući ovom sistemu, u tri podzemne garaže je obezbeđeno 528 parking mesta, od čega je 68 namenjeno osobama sa otežanim kretanjem.

301 postelja

Kapaciteti klinike od čega će 71 biti u okviru dnevne bolnice.

596 parking mesta

Parking kapaciteti, od kojih 68 za osobe sa otežanim kretanjem.

61.923,99 m2.

26,791.94 m² nadzemnog prostora, i 35,132.05 m² podzemnog prostora.

301 postelja

Kapaciteti klinike od čega će 71 biti u okviru dnevne bolnice.

596 parking mesta

Parking kapaciteti, od kojih 68 za osobe sa otežanim kretanjem.


26,791.94 m² nadzemnog prostora, i 35,132.05 m² podzemnog prostora.

Materials, green spaces
and sustainability

The green areas are designed as cascades, tailored to the terrain, creating varied ambient units at different levels of the plot. In addition, a children's playground and a landscaped common green area are designed.

The construction of the building’s structure is planned to be a reinforced concrete system with foundation slabs and brick block walls. To enhance energy efficiency, these walls are covered with stone wool. The facade features a multi-layered design, with sintered ceramics finishing in white and gray, using a ventilated facade system. Fences and hardware are made of aluminum profiles with double or triple-layer thermal insulation glass.

Special emphasis is given to functionality, comfort and accessibility, which includes carefully planned residential units. The project represents a modern solution that combines urban standards, the need for quality housing and environmental protection, making it ideal for a modern user.

Vizija i uticaj

Nova Univerzitetska dečja klinika „Tiršova 2“ biće mnogo više od moderne bolnice — priuštiće okruženje koje podstiče oporavak i pruža podršku deci i njihovim porodicama tokom lečenja. Prostor je osmišljen tako da bude prijatan i funkcionalan, uz primenu najmodernijih tehnoloških rešenja i inženjerskih inovacija. Ovaj projekat predstavlja značajan korak u unapređenju zdravstvene infrastrukture u Srbiji i biće centralna tačka pedijatrijske nege u regionu.